class ComTerp : public Parser (Return to index)

extendable command interpreter.


Base Classes:

Derived Classes

Include file:



ComTerp is an extendable command interpreter with a simple C-like expression syntax and support for commands with fixed-location and keyword-prefixed arguments. The underlying architecture of this interpreter is patterned after Fischer and LeBlanc's "Crafting a Compiler with C", with their pipeline of scanner --> parser --> code_conversion --> code_generation retrofitted into one of scanner --> parser --> code_conversion --> interpreter.

You use a ComTerp by first constructing one with a default set of commands and operators, then add any commands (derived ComFunc objects) needed for a particular application, then start it running on either stdin or some alternate input file described by arguments to the constructor. To embed a ComTerp in another application you'll probably want to use a ComTerpServ, which has extensions to ComTerp for passing input and output strings from/to the interpreter by buffers.



Friend methods:

(more documentation)