ivmkcm button


cmcommit - commit changes to the repository


cmcommit [-q] [-m "message"] [filename]


cmcommit checks local module changes into the repository. It must be executed from within the module directory, previously checked out with cmcopy. cmcommit does not do a recursive commit, so directories nested within a module must be checked in separately, even if the changes were related.

If filename is not supplied, all relevant files within the module directory are examined, and are either left unchanged or added/removed/checked into the repository.

If the -m option is supplied, the next argument will be used as the log message for this commit. This will prevent interactive editing of a log message. The message is taken as one argument, so if it contains whitespace characters it should be quoted.

cmcommit verifies that the selected files are up-to-date with the current revisions in the repository and will abort without committing if any of the specified files must be made current first with cmupdate.

A patch file for this commit is automatically generated (using cmmkpatch) and placed in the cm repository Patches directory (cm/Patches/[module-name]/commit[n]) corresponding to the module under operation. The -q option suppresses this feature.


cmadd, cmremove, cmupdate, ivmkcm

last modified: 30 July 1997