That'll teach me to state things with such absolute certainty. Since writing that I've come to realize there might be future circumstances that would merit some evolution to the copyright permission notice of ivtools. Whoa, that doesn't mean it's gonna get all proprietary. Read on.
It could happen that some organization would be interested in making significant contributions to ivtools if their work could receive some of the protections offered by licenses like the Free Software Foundation's LGPL. In that event, to protect the interests of the stakeholders in ivtools, I would consider making changes to the license, but these changes would be limited as follows:
Recently (with ivtools-0.7.4, Feb. 27th 1999), a COPYRIGHT.proposed was added to the ivtools source tree that attempts some of the above. All the comments received to date have been neutral or opposed to the change. So it looks unlikely this will be adopted with ivtools-0.8.
Scott Johnston
President, Vectaport Inc.