Editor  -  base class for top-level windows in an applica-


       #include <Unidraw/editor.h>


       An editor provides a complete user interface for editing a
       component  subject.   It  unites  one or more viewers with
       commands and tools that act upon  the  component  and  its
       subcomponents.   Editor  is an abstract class derived from
       MonoScene; the Editor class adds the protocol for  associ-
       ating  tools,  commands, and viewers with the component(s)
       they affect.  A programmer normally derives  one  or  more
       application-specific  editors  from  the Editor base class
       and defines their appearance with a composition of  inter-
       actors.   Each  window of a Unidraw application is usually
       an instance of an editor subclass designed for the editing
       domain,  and  it is these windows that the user recognizes
       as the application program.


       virtual ~Editor()
              Editors should not be  deleted  explicitly  if  the
              Unidraw  object  is  used  to  open and close them.
              Moreover, Editor subclasses should  not  explicitly
              delete the component they edit.  The Unidraw object
              will delete the editor's component after the editor
              is  closed, provided no other editor references the
              component (or its relatives) and the  component  is
              not known to the catalog.

       virtual void Open()
       virtual void Close()
              Open  informs  the  editor  that it has just become
              visible and accessible to  the  user,  in  case  it
              needs to know, and Close signals the editor that it
              is no longer needed and should  perform  any  final
              housekeeping  operations.   For example, the editor
              may display a copyright message when  it  is  first
              opened, or it make take the opportunity when closed
              to warn the user  to  save  a  modified  component.
              These operations simply notify the editor of a con-
              dition and are not usually called by  the  applica-
              tion; instead, the application makes editors appear
              and disappear with the Unidraw object, which  calls
              these operations as appropriate.

       virtual void Handle(Event&)
              Editor  redefines Handle to interpret key events as
              keyboard equivalents via  the  HandleKey  operation
              (described below).  This is appropriate in the com-
              keyboard events.

       virtual void Update()
              By default, the  editor's  Update  operation  calls
              Update on its viewer(s).

       virtual void SetComponent(Component*)
       virtual void SetViewer(Viewer*, int = 0)
       virtual void SetSelection(Selection*)
       virtual void SetKeyMap(Viewer*, int = 0)
       virtual void SetCurTool(Tool*)

       virtual Component* GetComponent()
       virtual Viewer* GetViewer(int = 0)
       virtual KeyMap* GetKeyMap()
       virtual Selection* GetSelection()
       virtual Tool* GetCurTool()
              Assign  and  return  various objects managed by the
              editor.  These operations are undefined by default.

              The  component  is  the  object that the user edits
              through the editor.  The editor can have any number
              of  viewers,  identified  serially.   An editor can
              maintain a key map for  defining  keyboard  equiva-
              lents  and  a selection object for keeping track of
              selected components (typically subcomponents of the
              component  being  edited).   The  editor also has a
              notion of the tool that is currently engaged,  that
              is, the tool that would be used if the user clicked
              in a viewer.  The SetCurTool and GetCurTool  opera-
              tions assign and return this tool, respectively.

       virtual StateVar* GetState(const char*)
              The  editor may maintain a string-to-state variable
              mapping to provide external  access  to  any  state
              variables   it  defines.   The  GetState  operation
              returns  a  state  variable  given  an  identifying
              string.   Defining  such  a mapping lets components
              query the  editor  for  state  variables  that  may
              affect  them without extending the editor protocol,
              potentially allowing interchange of components from
              different applications.  This operation returns nil
              by default.

       virtual void InsertDialog(Interactor*)
       virtual void RemoveDialog(Interactor*)
              Insert or remove  an  interactor  that  provides  a
              modal interface, such as a dialog box.  By default,
              these operations insert the dialog into  the  world
              as  a  transient  window centered atop the editor's
              canvas.  Subclasses can redefine them to insert and
              remove  an  interactor (suitably embellished with a
              will always be separated by a  RemoveDialog  opera-
              tion; that is, multiple dialogs might be visible at


              You cannot create instances of  the  Editor  class;
              rather, you define subclasses that suit your appli-
              cation.  The constructor is thus protected to  dis-
              allow instantiation.

       virtual void HandleKey(Event&)
              Executes  a command given a valid keyboard event as
              defined by the key-to-command mapping in the KeyMap

       virtual boolean DependsOn(Component*)
              Return whether the editor depends on the given com-
              ponent in any way.  Unidraw may destroy the  compo-
              nent if no editor depends on it.

       void SetWindow(ManagedWindow*)
       ManagedWindow* GetWindow()
              Get  and set the window associated with the editor.


       Catalog(3U), Command(3U),  Component(3U),  Interactor(3I),
       KeyMap(3U),  MonoScene(3I),  Selection(3U),  StateVar(3U),
       Tool(3U), Unidraw(3U), Viewer(3U), Window(3I), World(3I)

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