Scroller, HScroller, VScroller - scrolling an interactor


       #include <InterViews/scroller.h>


       A  scroller is an interactor that manipulates the perspec-
       tive of another interactor.  It contains a bar whose posi-
       tion  and  size reflect the current origin and size in the
       interactor's perspective.  Clicking and  dragging  in  the
       scroller  modifies  the attached interactor's perspective.
       VScroller is a  class  for  defining  vertical  scrollers,
       HScroller for horizontal scrollers.


       HScroller(Interactor*, int size = 0)
       VScroller(Interactor*, int size = 0)
              Create  a  scroller  of  a given size (height for a
              horizontal   scroller,   width   for   a   vertical
              scroller).   A  zero  size means to use the default

       virtual void Update()
              Redisplay the scroller to reflect a change  in  the
              interactor's perspective.


       The ``syncScroll'' resource specifies whether the scroller
       should  work  in  real-time  or  not.   When  synchronized
       scrolling is employed the interactor scrolls synchronously
       as the scroller's bar is dragged; otherwise the bar's out-
       line follows the mouse during dragging, and the interactor
       is scrolled only after the user stops  dragging  the  bar.
       Scrollers  will  scroll  synchronously if their syncScroll
       resource is set to ``on'' or ``true.''  The state  of  the
       syncScroll attribute can be toggled temporarily by holding
       down the ``control'' key while  the  scroller  is  manipu-


       Interactor(3I), Perspective(3I)

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