TransferFunct - transfer function base class


       #include <Unidraw/transfn.h>


       A  transfer  function  defines relationships between state
       variables.   A  component  uses  a  transfer  function  to
       enforce  dependencies  between  its state variables during
       dataflow. State variables whose values change as a  result
       of  data  flowing  into  the component can thus affect the
       component's dependent state variables as  defined  by  its
       transfer  function.  A transfer function can define depen-
       dencies between any number of state variables, but a  com-
       ponent can define only one transfer function.


       virtual void Evaluate(Path* = nil)
              Enforce   the   transfer   function's  dependencies
              between its state variables,  optionally  depending
              on  the information in a path.  This operation does
              nothing by default.

       virtual TransferFunct* Copy()
              Return a copy of the transfer function.  Subclasses
              redefine  this  operation  to return an instance of
              their type.

       virtual void Read(istream&)
       virtual void Write(ostream&)
              Read and write the transfer function's contents  to
              a  stream  to support catalog operations.  Read and
              write typically call first the corresponding opera-
              tions  defined by their parent class, and then they
              read or write their class-specific state.

       virtual ClassId GetClassId()
       virtual boolean IsA(ClassId)
              GetClassId returns the unique class identifier  for
              the   TransferFunct  subclass,  while  IsA  returns
              whether the instance is of a class or subclass cor-
              responding  to the given identifier.  IsA typically
              checks the given identifier against the  instance's
              own  (as  defined by its GetClassId operation) and,
              failing that, calls its parent classes' IsA  opera-
              tion.   All subclasses must redefine GetClassId and
              IsA to ensure that their identifiers are unique and
              that instances are written and read properly.


              The  constructor is protected to prevent instantia-
              Return the connector to which a state  variable  is


       Catalog(3U),  Component(3U),  Connector(3U),  Creator(3U),
       Path(3U),   StateVar(3U)    classes(3U),    istream(3C++),

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