UArray - dynamic array class


       #include <Unidraw/uarray.h>


       UArray implements a dynamic array, that is, one that grows
       as elements are added.  It can also act as a linked  list,
       allowing  insertion  and  removal  of  objects, though the
       overhead for such operations  is  generally  greater  than
       that  for conventional doubly-linked list implementations.
       However, the overhead per  stored  object  is  potentially
       much  less  for  a  UArray, and objects can be accessed by
       index in constant time.


       UArray(int = 16)
              Create a new UArray instance, optionally  providing
              an  estimate of its maximum size.  While specifying
              the size is not  required,  supplying  an  accurate
              estimate will improve performance.

       void*& operator[](int index)
              Overloading  the brackets operator allows access to
              the UArray's elements with the standard array nota-
              tion.   Note  that  type  information  is lost when
              retrieving objects from the UArray, requiring cast-

       void Insert(void*, int index)
       void Remove(int index)
              Insert  and remove an object at a particular index,
              moving the succeeding objects up or down one  posi-
              tion as required.

       int Index(void*)
              Return  the  given  object's  index  in the UArray,
              returning -1 if the object does not appear  in  the

       int Count()
              Return  the  number of objects inserted in the UAr-

       void Clear()
              Clear the UArray, reducing the number of object  it
              contains to zero.

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