Vertices  -  abstract base class for graphics defined by a
       set of coordinate pairs


       #include <Unidraw/Graphic/verts.h>


       Vertices is an abstract base class for  graphics  such  as
       polygons  and splines whose geometry is specified by a set
       of coordinate pairs.  The Vertices class supports  vertex-
       related  operations  common  to all such graphical objects
       and also supports extent caching.


       virtual ~Vertices()
              The destructor deallocates the list  of  coordinate
              pairs stored in the graphic.

       virtual int GetOriginal(const Coord*& x, const Coord*& y)
              Return  pointers  to  the  arrays  of Coords stored
              internally  that  define  the  graphic's  vertices.
              GetOriginal's return value reflects the size of the

       virtual boolean operator == (Vertices&)
       virtual boolean operator != (Vertices&)
              Compare this to the  given  Vertices  instance  and
              return  whether  they (do not) store identical sets
              of vertices.


       Vertices(Graphic* = nil)
       Vertices(Coord* x, Coord* y, int count, Graphic* = nil)
              The constructors are protected to disallow  instan-
              tiation of the abstract class.  Subclasses can pass
              a set of vertices to copy into internal storage and
              an optional graphic from which to obtain an initial
              set of graphics state.  Vertices itself  stores  no
              additional  graphics state over that in the Graphic
              base class.

       void s_getExtent(
           float&, float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*

       void f_getExtent(
           float&, float&, float&, float&, float&, Graphic*
              Helper functions  that  return  extent  information
              based on the bounding box that the vertices define.
              s_getExtent returns an extent that accounts for the
              width of a brush, as would be necessary if the ver-
              extremities, as would be the case if  the  vertices
              defined  a filled path.  These operations cache the
              extent they compute initially.



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