PostScript and ivtools drawing editors

  • When printing all the ivtools drawing editors can generate Enapsulated PostScript formatted in a way that can be later reloaded or imported (idraw-format EPS).
  • All ivtools drawing editors (except idraw) can export any selected list of graphics in idraw-format EPS .
  • idraw-format EPS can be loaded directly into idraw, and loaded or imported into any other ivtools drawing editor.
  • Other PostScript (and PDF) can be converted with "pstoedit -f idraw" to be importable or loadable by all the drawing editors of ivtools. This works for embedded images as well since pstoedit version 3.17. For earlier versions of pstoedit apply this patch to add raster support to the idraw output format of pstoedit.
  • All ivtools drawing editors (except idraw) can export directly to any Unix filter that accepts PostScript if "to command" is checked in the export dialog box, i.e. ghostview.
  • All ivtools drawing editors (except idraw) can import directly from any Unix filter that generates PostScript if "from command" is checked in the export dialog box, i.e. pstoedit.

  • For a more expanded discussion of this, see other tools that work with ivtools

    up to things to do with ivtools drawing editors