NAME iueserv - experimental server for the IUE SYNOPSIS iueserv [portnum] DESCRIPTION iueserv is an experimental server built on top of the Image Understanding Environment (IUE) class libraries. The command syntax is a semi-colon separated list of commands with arbitrary number of parameters enclosed in parenthesis, with support for optional parameters and keyword arguments, i.e: command1(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2); command2(arg1 arg2 arg3 :key1 val1 :key2 val2) The literals and operators of C are all supported except for the syntax of the conditional operator "?:". See the comterp documentation for more details. IMAGE HANDLING COMMANDS img=image(path|img :mem) -- load or convert image val=getpix(img x,y) -- get image pixel value of arbitrary type val=ncols(img) -- get number of columns in image val=nrows(img) -- get number of rows in image str=pixtype(img) -- get type of image pixels export(iueobj) -- export IUE object to host/port IMAGE FILTERING COMMANDS gaussian(img [sigma=3.0]) -- gaussian image filter threshold(img tval1[,tval2,...tvaln]) -- limit pixels at or above a threshold t o that value OTHER COMMANDS iueserv inherits the entire command language of comterp. SEE ALSO comterp WEB PAGES