A variety of interesting things have been built with InterViews and Unidraw:
in English
free_gctp, a part of EPICS, tools for controlling accelerators,telescopes, detectors and other scientific experiments | GIST, a graphical interactive simulation tool | GRIP, a conceptual graph editor (uses Unidraw) | Genesys, a generic editor system for graphs (uses Unidraw) |
GroupKit1.0, a prototype of a multi-media conferencing system revivable? |
Handi, a pen-based diagram editor | HI-MASS, hierarchical modeling and simulation of discrete events | ivtools, drawing editors and servers (uses Unidraw) |
Mediman, a medical volumetric rendering toolset | MiXViews, a digital music sampler program |
multi-grid workbench, for multi-scale linear iterative searching alternate download for xwb (uses Unidraw) | NEFCON, a neuro-fuzzy control system |
Neuron, a nerve simulation environment |
NIST STEP class library, for ISO 10303, a manufacturing information exchange standard |
ObjectProDSP, a digital signal processing framework | PDP++, a simulation environment for connectionist modelling and general neural network applications |
SandPit and PlayPen, two generations of an animation researchers testbed | Sesame, Software Environment for the Simulation of Adapative Modular systEms (neurocontrol) | SICStus Prolog Graphics Manager | TAE Plus, a graphical user interface construction environment |
Target Jr, an extensive image understanding framework (uses Unidraw graphics) |
vhclmaps, map viewers and vehicle-state servers (uses Unidraw) |
VRweb, a VRML viewer revivable? |
VL, a visual language syntax directed editing framework |
auf Deutsch (German)
MaM, Modeling and Animation Machine | Projekt SARET, software and architecture retrieval. |