ivtools Feynman-widgets

Feynman diagrams are used in many branches of physics, to show how to organize the various calculational contributions of various elementary processes. The ivtools Feynman-widgets is a set of graphical widgets that allow one to build these diagrams in a GUI environment such as Comdraw and then export the finished diagram as PostScript for inclusion into a technical paper via LaTeX and psfig macro.

The basic set of widgets used to build Feynman diagrams is listed in The LaTeX Graphics Companion, p. 233 by Goosens, et al. (ISBN: 0-201-85469-4) . Below is an example of a Feynman diagram:

You start by first constructing an enlarged version of the middle wavy line. You use a large colored line to keep both wave pieces even. Then you disclose the wave using Structure::Ungroup several times, the resulting wave should look like this:

Then use scale to shrink the wave; adding arrows, and vectors and symbols like so:

The last step, after selecting the completed structure, is to select Structure::Ungroup from the IVtools menu 2 or 3 times. You then reselect the completed structure and select Structure::Group from the IVtools menu. This will give you the result in Fig. 3 above. Since the structure is now treated as 1 large object, you can reposition it by selecting it, and then moving the mouse while holding down the middle-mouse button.

Here ia a more complex, finished example:

To include this structure in a technical paper or journal article, simply export it as encapsulated PostScript (EPS) by choosing File::Export Graphic. Click on "EPS", then click on "Export". Then insert the following before the \begin{document} line in your LaTeX document:

\input psfig.sty

To display the graphic, insert the following in the body of your LaTeX code:

\psfig{file=file.ps,width=6in,height=3in} % see Kenneth Shultis, pp. 100-103

Where file.ps is the name of your graphic; there cannot be any extraneous spaces inside the braces on the \psfig line. See Ken Shultis' book "LaTeX NOTES: Practical Tips for Preparing Technical Documents", ISBN: 0-13-120973-6

The IVtools custom toolbar allows one to load custom toolbar configurations for different typesetting projects. Instead of loading all of the possible chemical widgets, and believe me there are alot, only load the ones required for the project at hand, or the ones you find most useful. To build a custom toolbar, write a toolbar script similar to this:


To load the desired toolbar click on Tools::Custom Tools. This will give a stripped down Comdraw toolbar into which custom widgets can be inserted. To load the custom widgets, click into the Comdraw command window, and enter the following command:

run ("$PATH/file")

Where $PATH is the complete path to the custom toolbar script and "file" is the name of the script.

The Feynman widgets must be in idraw format to be added to the toolbar in this manner. To convert a widget to idraw format for use in the toolbar:

Adding Fonts to IVtools for technical Typesetting: As you can see from the complex example, Fig. 4, it would be useful to add Greek chars to the Idraw/Comdraw/Drawserv Font menus. The best example I have found of this is given in Minimal idraw help (also listed at the bottom of the idraw page). The basic process:

  1. Edit your .Xresources or .Xdefaults file by adding: comdraw.font12:-adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-* Symbol 10
    comdraw.font13:-adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-* Symbol 12
    comdraw.font14:-adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-* Symbol 14
    comdraw.font15:-adobe-symbol-*-*-*-*-*-180-*-*-*-*-*-* Symbol 18
  2. Save the file and execute: xrdb -load ~/.Xresources (or if you are using .Xdefaults, xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults)
  3. Shutdown and restart the X server and restart Comdraw/Idraw

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