ivtools Templates

ivtools Templates is a set of building blocks for building complex chemical ring structures, technical diagrams etc. The example below uses the decagon template to construct a diagram of the Krebs cycle. (A complex biochemical/metabolic pathway.

We start with the decagon template, which is essentially a bunch of spokes whose apical angle is 360/n degrees -- where n=the number of sides. So for a pentagon, n=5, and (360/n) = 72 degrees; for a decagon, n=10 and (360/n) = 36 degrees. We proceed around the template with some complete sides, and several Fischer projections of the involved sugars. We then adjust the sides as necessary to make the thing look acceptable, like in the figure below:

Our last step is to get rid of the template, get rid of extraneous symbols, screen clutter, etc. Label and select the final graphic, and save it to a file. Here is my final copy of the Krebs cycle:

Here is an example of using the 16-gon template to build the main-ring of tuberactinomycin:

As you can see, the use of these templates to create complex diagrams, chemical structures, etc., is limited only by the imagination of the user. As covered in the Chemical and Electrical pages, these diagrams can then be included into your technical document by using the psfig macro in your LaTeX header.

Tips on designing templates:

When building a large template (n=12, 16, 20, ... 4n sides) take advantage of symmetry!. This will be difficult at first, when designing the first piece. But will result in a template figure, that is far easier to assemble, maintain, permute, etc. First step is to stick the two quarters together, as shown below:

Then you do Struct::Group to get the first half. Duplicate it (just hit "d"), then flip the 2nd half over and connect it to top half. Last, drag to Struct::Ungroup several times and then drag to Struct::Group to regroup the final figure.

The first quarter was created using the following command (entered in the command box): compview=multiline(100,0 , 0,0 , 92.4,38.3 , 0,0 , 70.7,70.7 , 0,0 , 38.3,92.4 , 0,0 , 0,100)

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