Reusing Unidraw and idraw Scott E. Johnston and Jorge A. Gautier Vectaport Inc. Dec. 5th, 1997 Introduction Unidraw is a C++ framework for creating custom graphical editors that was the basis for John Vlissides' thesis at Stanford University in 1990. idraw was an existing drawing editor that was rebuilt on top of Unidraw. They were both distributed with the InterViews 3.1 source tree which was created by Mark Linton, Paul Calder, and John M. Vlissides at Stanford University. Since then the whole source tree has been used for several examples in Vlissides' "Design Patterns" textbooks as well as being reused by many parties constructing their own custom applications. At Vectaport we've reused Unidraw for a wide variety of applications, integrating other C++ toolkits for networking and 3d visualization, and deriving from the original Unidraw software new frameworks for spatial-data servers, terrain visualization, and vehicle simulation. The result is a layered collection of C++ source trees, each aimed at a generic application area, that serves as a reasonable starting point for source-intensive programmers to build powerful custom applications that go far beyond the original capabilities of Unidraw and its 2d structured graphics. In this paper we discuss specifics of our experience to date. Results of this approach and pointers to more information are presented at Experience To Present We first started using InterViews in 1990, back at release 2.6, constructing a variety of map-based user interfaces for autonomous vehicle and imaging R&D. At that time there was no Unidraw, and idraw, the MacDraw-like drawing editor that is part of InterViews, was built on libgraphic, the 2d structured graphics class library where Vlissides, Linton, and Calder prototyped their ideas about object-oriented design applied to graphics. idraw was distributed as a class library and main.c all-in-one directory, so we separated the two, and started deriving map-format specific class libraries with specialized "Editor"s (the central object in 2.6 idraw) for each. We found this approach effective and powerful, being able to reuse the complete mechanisms of idraw (pan/zoom, rubberbands, selection-highlighting, front/back/group/ungroup) with little changes to the original source code. Occasionally we had to de-privatize member methods and variables, to facilitate in-place reuse of existing methods, or to generate first drafts of derived methods by replicating methods that accessed private variables [a]. Over the course of working on map displays for autonomous vehicles, InterViews 3.1 came out, with Unidraw included. At first we kept on without Unidraw, bringing up the existing software fairly painlessly on 3.1 by using the 2.6 backward compatibility mode (as does Unidraw). It seemed Unidraw could replace the library version of idraw we were using, with its generalized and improved abstractions for drawing editors, but we never got the chance. But we did get a chance to start from scratch with Unidraw. We found what we learned from 2.6 was quite applicable to 3.1, given the nature of code evolution practiced by Mark Linton. We'd expect the same benefit when someday migrating-to or incorporating Fresco, one of the current leaves in this software lineage. And we still found a need to separate the main program of idraw from other C++ modules, making a foundation for deriving other class libraries and example programs. In January 1995 we first published ivtools, a collection of drawing editors that leveraged Unidraw and idraw, adding a variety of things (double-buffered graphics, evolved import/export/save/restore, multi-frame animation, graph/node editing). In July 1995 we first published ivmaps, a collection of map viewers for USGS and NIMA formats [b]. ivmaps derives class libraries from the ivtools class libraries which in turn derive from the Unidraw/idraw libraries. At first ivtools required a separate copy of InterViews 3.1 to build, but with ivtools-0.5 (October 1996) we incorporated the 3.1 source tree, maintaining backward compatibility as much as possible. We've tested this compatibility by building other people's software that needs InterViews with ivtools instead, like Target Jr, the image understanding environment from the Target Jr Consortium (2.6 and 3.0beta), and MiXViews, the music/sound editing system. In July 1997 we first published vhclserv, a multi-vehicle state interpreter that serves off vehicle updates to subscribed viewers and receives driving commands over the net. We utilized the ACE networking library from Doug Schmidt, especially the Reactor class which happens to be evolved from the InterViews Dispatcher class. This relationship between the two classes simplified the job of integrating ACE into InterViews. Lessons Learned InterViews, Unidraw, and idraw have all served as useful starting points for source-intensive C++ software evolution. The layered library architecture of InterViews turned out to be a good thing, not an unfortunate lack of completeness. It takes an evolutionary mindset to work with the stuff. The ability to set up and conduct experiments as to why the software is or isn't working is just as critical as the ability to imagine extensions to the software. C++ adds a sometimes surprising new dimension to C programming and it takes a while to be able to navigate well in this extra dimension. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [a] A quick fix was to compile everything with -Dprivate=protected [b] United States Geological Survey, National Imagery and Mapping Agency References: Mark A. Linton, Paul R. Calder, John M. Vlissides, "InterViews: A C++ Graphical Interface Toolkit", Technical Report CSL-TR-88-358, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2192, July 1988. John M. Vlissides and Mark A. Linton, "Applying Object-Oriented Design to Structured Graphics", Proceedings of the USENIX C++ Conference, Denver, Colorado, October 1988. John M. Vlissides and Mark A. Linton, "Unidraw: A Framework for Building Domain-Specific Graphical Editors", Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/SIGCHI User Interface Software and Technologies '89 Conference, Williamsburg, Virginia, November 1989. Tod S. Levitt, Scott E. Johnston, Scott Barclay, John W. Dye, Daryl T. Lawton, "Progress Toward an Image Understanding Application Development Environment", Proceedings: Image Understanding Workshop, September 1990. John M. Vlissides, "Generalized Graphical Object Editing", Technical Report CSL-TR-90-427, Stanford University, 1990. "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software", Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides, Addison-Wesley, 1995.