Ivtools Related Binary Tar Files

source tar files

for ivtools binaries after August 2000

Below are links to tar files of self-contained Linux binaries with executables fully linked against the shared libraries contained in the tar file. In this way the binaries can work with most any Linux distribution. Using the executables with other copies of the shared libraries is not guaranteed to work. If you want to do that, you should probably build from source.

To run the binaries, grab and unpack these tar files, add the appropriate lib directories to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (or LD_ELF_LIBRARY_PATH) environment variable, (i.e. export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/pkg/vhclmaps-0.7/lib/LINUX:/pkg/ivtools-0.7/lib/LINUX:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH) and the appropriate bin directories to your PATH environment variable, (i.e. export PATH=/pkg/vhclmaps-0.7/bin/LINUX:/pkg/ivtools-0.7/bin/LINUX:$PATH). Test PATH with "which" and LD_LIBRARY_PATH with "ldd".

Other download pages for: ivtools vhclmaps

ivmaps was renamed vhclmaps at release 0.7 after being merged with vhclserv

latest binaries compatible distributions grouped on one line


ivtools-0.7.5-LINUX.tgz vhclmaps-0.7-LINUX.tgz

older binaries and other OS'es

ivtools-0.5-SUN4.tar.gz -- older ivtools for SunOS
ivmaps-0.5-SUN4.tar.gz -- older ivmaps for SunOS
ivtools-0.5-SGI.tar.gz -- older ivtools for Irix
ivmaps-0.5-SGI.tar.gz -- older ivmaps for Irix