: public OverlayView
(Return to index)
graphical view of EdgeComp
Base Classes:
Derived Classes
Include file:
- virtual Manipulator*
CreateManipulator (Viewer*,Event&,Transformer*,Tool*)
make manipulators for create and move tools; pass rest to base class.
EdgeView (EdgeComp* = nil)
- ArrowLine*
GetArrowLine ()
- virtual ClassId
GetClassId ()
- virtual void
GetEndpoints (IntCoord&, IntCoord&, IntCoord&, IntCoord&)
return current end points of edge graphic.
- virtual Graphic*
GetGraphic ()
- virtual Graphic*
HighlightGraphic ()
highlight edge graphic with red brush of width 2.
- virtual void
Interpret (Command*)
handle delete, cut, edge-connect, edge-update, and move commands;
pass rest to base class.
- virtual Command*
InterpretManipulator (Manipulator*)
interpret manipulators for create and move tools; pass rest to base class.
- virtual boolean
IsA (ClassId)
- virtual EdgeComp*
NewEdgeComp (ArrowLine* al, OverlayComp* parent = nil, int start_subedge = -1, int end_subedge = -1)
virtual function to allow construction of specialized NodeComp's by specialized NodeView's
- virtual void
Uninterpret (Command*)
handle undoing edge-connect, delete, and move commands;
pass rest to base class.
- virtual void
Update ()
update view based on any changes to component.
- virtual
~EdgeView ()
(more documentation)