ACE_IO_Handler | |
ACosFunc | arc-cosine command for ComTerp. |
ALIterator | copy of Iterator for using Attribute library without Unidraw. |
AList | copy of UList for using Attribute library without Unidraw. |
ASinFunc | arc-sine command for ComTerp. |
ATan2Func | arc-tangent (of y over x) command for ComTerp. |
ATanFunc | arc-tangent command for ComTerp. |
AboutCmd | |
AbsFunc | absolute-value command for ComTerp. |
AcceptingObservable | |
AceDispatcher | |
AckBackHandler | specialized ACE_EventHandler for monitoring responses from outgoing connection |
AcknowledgeBoxFunc | command to popup an acknowledge dialog box |
AcknowledgeDialog | |
Action | |
ActiveHandler | |
AddAssignFunc | *= (add assign) operator . |
AddFunc | + (plus) operator. |
AddToolButtonFunc | command to add button to custom toolbar |
Adjustable | handles request to modify its viewing editor. |
Adjuster | manipulate a perspective using a pushbutton like interface (iv-2.6). |
Aggregate | |
Align | |
AlignCmd | align command |
AlignToGridCmd | align-to-grid command |
AlistLeakFunc | command to return current number of AttributeValueList's |
Allocation | actual size a glyph is given. |
AllocationInfo | |
AllocationTable | |
Allotment | |
AlphaTransFunc | command to set/get raster alpha transparency |
AlphaTransparentRasterCmd | command to make raster alpha-transparent |
AndFunc | && (and) operator. |
AnnotateDialog | dialog for entering component annotation string. |
AnnotateTool | tool for annotating a component (adding a descriptive string). |
ApplicationWindow | |
ArrayCompositor | |
ArrowCmd | |
ArrowLine | |
ArrowLineComp | |
ArrowLineOvComp | clone of ArrowLineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
ArrowLineOvView | graphical view of ArrowLineOvComp. |
ArrowLinePS | "PostScript" view of ArrowLineOvComp. |
ArrowLineScript | serialized view of ArrowLineOvComp. |
ArrowLineView | |
ArrowMultiLine | |
ArrowMultiLineComp | |
ArrowMultiLineOvComp | clone of ArrowMultiLineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
ArrowMultiLineOvView | graphical view of ArrowMultiLineOvComp. |
ArrowMultiLinePS | "PostScript" view of ArrowMultiLineOvComp. |
ArrowMultiLineScript | serialized view of ArrowMultiLineOvComp. |
ArrowMultiLineView | |
ArrowOpenBSpline | |
ArrowSplineComp | |
ArrowSplineOvComp | clone of ArrowSplineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
ArrowSplineOvView | graphical view of ArrowSplineOvComp. |
ArrowSplinePS | "PostScript" view of ArrowSplineOvComp. |
ArrowSplineScript | serialized view of ArrowSplineOvComp. |
ArrowSplineView | |
ArrowSubclassName | |
ArrowVar | |
ArrowVarView | |
Arrowhead | |
AssignFunc | = (assign) operator. |
AttrDialog | |
AttrDialogImpl | |
AttrListFunc | |
Attribute | generic symbol/value pair. |
AttributeDialog | dialog for editing component attributes (property list). |
AttributeList | list of Attribute objects, i.e. a property list. |
AttributeListEditor | |
AttributeTool | tool for editing attributes of a component (property list editing). |
AttributeValue | multi-type attribute value object. |
AttrvLeakFunc | command to return current number of AttributeValue's |
AutoNewFrameCmd | command to enable/disable auto-new-frame on import. |
AutoNewFrameFunc | interpreter command to toggle the autonewframe flag |
BackCmd | move-to-back command |
BackQuoteFunc | backquote operator, similar to LISP |
Background | |
Banner | one line title bar (iv-2.6 |
BarPlotFunc | command to plot a barchart in comdraw using plotmtv/pstoedit |
BasicDialog | base class for simple, common dialog boxes (Unidraw). |
Bevel | |
BevelFrame | |
BitAndFunc | & (bit_and) operator. |
BitNotFunc | ~ (bit_not) operator. |
BitOrFunc | | (bit_or) operator. |
BitXorFunc | ^ (bit_xor) operator. |
Bitmap | binary raster data object. |
BitmapRep | |
BooleanObserver | |
Border | infinitely stretchable dividing line (iv-2.6) |
BorderFrame | |
Border__2 | |
BothSetAttrFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SetAttrByExprCmd. |
BoundedValue | |
BoundedValueEditor | |
BoundedValueObserver | |
BoundedValueTable | |
BoundedValueTableEditor | |
Box | used to compose side-by-side (iv-2.6) |
BoxObj | box geometric object |
Box__2 | box glyph base class |
Browser | |
Brush | a brush style object |
BrushCmd | command to change brush of editor and current selection |
BrushFunc | command for setting brush state variable in comdraw. |
BrushRep | |
BrushVar | current brush state variable |
BrushVarView | current-brush state variable view |
Button | button object (iv-2_6) |
ButtonState | |
Button__2 | |
CGlue | connector glue for specifying connection behavior |
CSolver | connector constraint solver |
CSolverState | |
CameraMotionCmd | base class for pan and zoom commands. |
Canvas | 2d area for drawing. |
CanvasDamage | |
CanvasRep | |
Catalog | stores and retrieves named objects. |
CeilFunc | ceiling command for ComTerp. |
CenterCmd | center command |
CenterFunc | command to return center of graphics in comdraw. |
CenterLayout | |
ChainViewerCmd | command to add this viewer to list of chained viewers. |
ChainViewersCmd | command to chain other viewers to this one under panning and/or zooming. |
ChangeIdFunc | command to change session (or graphic id) to use local session id |
CharFieldEditor | |
CharFunc | character conversion command for ComTerp. |
Character | |
CheckBooleanEditor | |
CheckBox | |
ChoiceItem | |
Circle31 | |
ClassSymbolFunc | command to return class symbols for values of object type |
ClipPolyAAndBCmd | command to intersect two polygons. |
ClipPolyAMinusBCmd | command to clip polygon A with polygon B. |
ClipPolyBMinusACmd | command to clip polygon B with polygon A. |
ClipPolyCmd | command for clipping arbitrary graphics with a polygon. |
ClipPolyTool | tool for clipping arbitrary graphics with a polygon. |
ClipRectCmd | command for clipping arbitrary graphics with a rectangle. |
ClipRectTool | tool for clipping arbitrary graphics with a rectangle. |
Clipboard | contains a list of component subjects |
CloseEditorCmd | editor close command |
ClosedBSpline | closed b-spline graphic |
ClosedSplineComp | |
ClosedSplineOvComp | clone of ClosedSplineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
ClosedSplineOvView | graphic view of ClosedSplineOvComp. |
ClosedSplinePS | "PostScript" view of ClosedSplineOvComp. |
ClosedSplineScript | serialized view of ClosedSplineOvComp. |
ClosedSplineView | |
Closed_BSpline31 | |
Color | an RGB-alpha color object |
ColorCmd | command to change color of current selection and editor |
ColorData | color data for command undo |
ColorFunc | command for setting color state variables in comdraw. |
ColorRep | |
ColorRgbFunc | comand for setting color state variables by RGB name in comdraw. |
ColorVar | current color state variable |
ComEditor | editor that integrates ComTerp into the drawing editor framework. |
ComFunc | command base class for extending ComTerp. |
ComFuncState | state object for holding invocation specific data about a ComFunc. |
ComTE_View | |
ComTerp | extendable command interpreter. |
ComTerpIOHandler | class for splicing comterp into Unidraw event loop |
ComTerpModule | base class for C++ wrappers of Fischer-LeBlanc style compiler pipeline. |
ComTerpServ | extended ComTerp that works with buffered IO. |
ComTerpState | object for holding ComTerp state |
ComTextEditor | |
ComValue | AttributeValue with extensions for use with ComTerp. |
Command | base class for command objects. |
CommandControl | command control |
CommandDoer | helper object for executing command from glyph-based pull-down menus. |
CommandInfo | |
CommandInteractor | command "interactor" control |
CommandLeakFunc | command to return current number of Command's |
CommandPusher | helper object for postponing execution of commands until environment is ready. |
CompLeakFunc | command to return current number of OverlayComp's |
CompNameVar | component name state variable |
CompNameVarView | component-name state variable view |
CompletionEditor | string-editor with completion (iv-2_6) |
Component | base class for objects that model domain specific elements. |
ComponentView | base class for views of objects that model domain-specific elements. |
Composition | |
Compositor | |
ComterpHandler | handler to invoke ComTerp on socket (version with ACE) |
ComterpHandler__2 | version without ACE |
ComterpPauseFunc | command to pause script execution until C/R |
ComterpStackHeightFunc | command to return stack height for debugging |
ComterpStepFunc | command to toggle step script execution |
ComterpTraceFunc | command for toggling or setting trace mode |
ConcatFunc | ,, (concat) operator. |
ConcatNextFunc | hidden func used by next command for ,, (concat) operator. |
CondFunc | conditional control command for ComTerp |
ConfirmBoxFunc | command to popup a confirmation dialog box |
ConfirmDialog | |
ConnectCmd | connect command |
ConnectManip | connection manipulator |
ConnectTool | connect tool |
Connector | for defining and maintaining connectivity between components. |
ConnectorView | |
Control | provide an interface to selecting and executing some action (iv-2.6) |
ControlInfo | manages persistent information contained in a Control |
ControlState | |
ConvexHullCmd | command to generate generate and paste a convex hull given a polygon. |
ConvexHullTool | tool to draw a polygon and invoke the ConvexHullCmd. |
CoordinateSpace | |
CopyCmd | copy command |
CopyMoveFrameCmd | command to copy contents of current frame to create a new frame. |
CopyMoveGraphFrameCmd | command to copy contents of current frame to create a new frame and reconnect graph. |
CopyString | |
CosFunc | cosine command for ComTerp. |
CreateClosedSplineFunc | closed spline drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateEllipseFunc | ellipse drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateFrameCmd | command to create a frame. |
CreateFrameFunc | interpreter command to create new frame. |
CreateGraphicFunc | base class for graphic construction func's |
CreateLineFunc | line drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateMoveFrameCmd | command to create a frame and move to it. |
CreateMultiLineFunc | multiline drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateOpenSplineFunc | open spline drawing command for comdraw. |
CreatePolygonFunc | polygon drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateRasterFunc | raster creation command for comdraw. |
CreateRectFunc | rectangle drawing command for comdraw. |
CreateTextFunc | text drawing command for comdraw. |
Creator | component factory class |
CtoiFunc | |
Cursor | |
CursorRep | |
CursorRepBitmap | |
CursorRepData | |
CursorRepFont | |
CursorRepXFont | |
CutCmd | cut command |
CycleEnumEditor | |
Damage | damage-repair mechanism |
Data | undo information object |
Date | |
DebugGlyph | |
Deck | a Scene for stacking one or more Interactor (iv-2.6) |
Deck__2 | |
DecrAfterFunc | (decrement after)-- operator. |
DecrFunc | --(decrement before) operator. |
DegToRadFunc | degrees to radianscommand for ComTerp. |
DeleteCmd | delete command |
DeleteFrameCmd | command to delete a frame. |
DeleteFrameData | data object for DeleteFrameCmd. |
DeleteFunc | command to delete graphics in comdraw. |
DesensitizeViewCmd | command to desensitize a graphic view in this viewer. |
Dialog | a simple dialog box input handler (iv-2.6) |
DialogKit | factory object for widgets. |
Dialog__2 | |
Directory | |
DirtyCmd | |
Dispatcher | wait on multiple file descriptors until a condition occurs |
Display | X window display object. |
DisplayRep | |
DivAssignFunc | /= (divide assign) operator . |
DivFunc | / (divide) operator. |
DoneAttrListFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SlctByAttrCmd. |
DoneSetAttrFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SetAttrByExprCmd. |
DotFunc | . (dot) operator, for compound variables | dotlst=dot(name) -- construct empty dottted pair list. |
DotNameFunc | name returns name field of a dotted pair |
DotValFunc | value returns value field of a dotted pair |
DoubleFunc | double-length floating-point conversion command for ComTerp. |
DownMover | |
Drag | |
DragEditor | |
DragManip | drag manipulator |
DragValuator | |
DragZone | |
DragZoneSink | |
DrawCatalog | catalog for use with drawserv. |
DrawCreator | creator for use with drawserv. |
DrawEditor | editor for DrawServ application |
DrawIdrawComp | top-level component for a drawserv document. |
DrawIdrawScript | serialized view of a DrawIdrawComp. |
DrawIdrawView | graphical view of DrawIdrawComp. |
DrawImportCmd | specialized FrameImportCmd for importing graphs in frames |
DrawImportPasteCmd | specialized ImportPasteCmd for DrawServ |
DrawKit | specialized FrameKit for use with drawserv. |
DrawLinkComp | |
DrawLinkFunc | command to connect to another drawserv |
DrawLinkList | |
DrawServ | |
DrawServHandler | specialized UnidrawComterpHandler for integration into DrawServ |
DrawingToGraphicFunc | command to convert from drawing to graphic coordinates |
DrawingToScreenFunc | command to convert from drawing to screen coordinates |
DupCmd | duplicate command |
EachFunc | traverse stream command for ComTerp. |
EdgeComp | edge component |
EdgeConnectCmd | command to connect an edge to one or two nodes. |
EdgeData | command data for storing edge information. |
EdgePS | "PostScript" view of EdgeComp. |
EdgeScript | serialized view of EdgeComp. |
EdgeUpdateCmd | command to update edge display |
EdgeView | graphical view of EdgeComp |
Editor | base class for top-level windows in an application. |
EditorInfo | manages persistent information contained in an editor |
EditorLauncherAction | action to construct and launch an OverlayEditor. |
EivTextBuffer | |
EivTextEditor | |
Ellipse | ellipse graphic |
Ellipse31 | |
EllipseComp | ellipse component |
EllipseOvComp | clone of EllipseComp derived from OverlayComp. |
EllipseOvView | graphical view of EllipseOvComp. |
EllipsePS | "PostScript" view of EllipseOvComp. |
EllipseScript | serialized view of EllipseOvComp. |
EllipseView | |
Enlarger | |
EnumObserver | |
EqualFunc | == (equality) operator. |
EvalFunc | eval string command for ComTerp. |
Event | user input events. |
EventRep | |
ExitFunc | exit command for ComTerp. |
ExpFunc | exponential command for ComTerp. |
ExportChooser | |
ExportChooserImpl | |
ExportEnumEditor | |
ExportFunc | command to export a graphic file |
Extension | area where a glyph actually draws after all. |
Extent | geometric extent object |
ExternView | base class for external representation objects. with traversal subclasses. |
FBoxObj | |
FFillPolygonObj | |
FLineObj | |
FMultiLineObj | |
FPointObj | |
F_Circle | filled circle graphic |
F_ClosedBSpline | filled closed b-spline graphic |
F_Ellipse | filled ellipse graphic |
F_OpenBSpline | filled open b-spline graphic |
F_Polygon | filled polygon graphic |
F_Rect | filled rectangle graphic |
FalseAttrListFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SlctByAttrCmd. |
FieldEditor | field editor. |
FieldEditorAction | |
File | |
FileBrowser | a StringBrowser that displays file names (iv-2.6) |
FileBrowser__2 | |
FileChooser | a StringChooser for choosing files from a directory (iv-2.6) |
FileChooserAction | |
FileChooser__2 | |
FileNameVarView | file-name state variable view |
FillPolygonObj | filled polygon geometric object |
FilterFunc | stream filter command |
FilterNextFunc | hidden func used by next command for stream filter command |
FixViewCmd | command for fixing size or location of a graphic view. |
FixedLayout | |
FixedPanCmd | command for panning by fixed amount. |
FixedPin | |
FloatFunc | floating-point conversion command for ComTerp. |
FloorFunc | floor command for ComTerp. |
Font | a font object |
FontBoundingBox | |
FontByNameFunc | command for setting font state variable by font name in comdraw. |
FontCmd | command for changing font in current selection and editor |
FontFamily | |
FontFamilyRep | |
FontFunc | command for setting font state variable in comdraw. |
FontRep | |
FontVar | current font state variable |
FontVarView | current-font state variable view |
ForFunc | for-loop command for ComTerp. |
Frame | surrounds another Interactor (iv-2.6) |
FrameBackCmd | BackCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameBeginCmd | |
FrameCatalog | catalog for retrieving flipbook documents |
FrameComp | single frame component. |
FrameCopyCmd | CopyCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameCreator | creator for use with FrameCatalog. |
FrameEditor | ComEditor specialized for multi-frame use. |
FrameEndCmd | command to move to the last frame. |
FrameFileComp | component to indirectly refer to a flipbook document by a pathname. |
FrameFileScript | serialized view of FrameFileComp. |
FrameFileView | graphical view of FrameFileComp. |
FrameFrontCmd | FrontCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameFunc | command to composite component for a frame, defaults to current |
FrameGroupCmd | OvGroupCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameIdrawComp | top-level component for flipbook document. |
FrameIdrawPS | "PostScript" view of FrameIdrawComp. |
FrameIdrawScript | serialized view of FrameIdrawComp. |
FrameIdrawView | graphical view of FrameIdrawComp. |
FrameImportCmd | specialized OvImportCmd for importing frames |
FrameImportPasteCmd | specialized PasteCmd for flipbook |
FrameKit | derived OverlayKit for use with FrameEditor. |
FrameListState | state variable for current-frame-count. |
FrameNewViewCmd | OvNewViewCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameNumberState | state variable for current-frame-number. |
FrameOverlaysComp | OverlaysComp specialized for use within a FrameIdrawComp. |
FrameOverlaysScript | serialized view of FrameOverlaysComp. |
FrameOverlaysView | graphical view of FrameOverlaysComp. |
FrameScript | serialized view of FrameComp. |
FrameUngroupCmd | UngroupCmd specialized for FrameUnidraw use. |
FrameView | graphical view of FrameComp. |
FrameViewer | OverlayViewer specialized for use with FrameEditor. |
FramesComp | composite frame component. |
FramesScript | serialized view of FramesComp. |
FramesView | graphical view of FramesComp. |
FrontCmd | move-to-front command |
FullGraphic | |
GAcknowledgeDialog | |
GConfirmDialog | |
GFieldEditor | |
GFieldEditorAction | |
GLContext | |
GSData | graphic state data for command undo |
GVUpdater | GraphicView updater |
GlobalSymbolFunc | command to make assign a global variable |
Glue | variable spacing between interactors (iv-2.6) |
Glue__2 | glue glyph base class |
Glyph | InterViews 3.1 lightweight glyphs |
GrAttrListFunc | attrlist command, for returning the attribute list of a component. |
GrDotFunc | . (dot) operator, for compound variables, and access to ComponentView AttributeList's. |
GrListAtFunc | list member command for ComUnidraw |
GrListSizeFunc | list size command for Unidraw |
GrLocTool | tool to display coordinates relative to a graphic. |
GraphCatalog | catalog for read/write of graphdraw documents. |
GraphComp | component used to group a set of nodes and edges into a graph. |
GraphCopyCmd | specialized CopyCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphCreator | creator for use of GraphCatalog. |
GraphCutCmd | specialized CutCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphData | base class for EdgeData and NodeData. |
GraphDeleteCmd | specialized OvDeleteCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphDupCmd | specialized DupCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphEditor | editor for graphdraw. |
GraphIdrawComp | top-level component in a graphdraw document. |
GraphIdrawScript | serialized view of GraphIdrawComp. |
GraphIdrawView | graphical view of GraphIdrawComp. |
GraphImportCmd | specialized OvImportCmd for importing nested sub-graphs. |
GraphKit | kit for constructing GraphEditor. |
GraphMoveTool | specialized MoveTool for graph manipulation. |
GraphNewViewCmd | specialized OvNewViewCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphPasteCmd | specialized PasteCmd for graphdraw. |
GraphScript | serialized view of GraphComp. |
GraphView | graphical view of GraphComp. |
Graphic | graphic base-classe |
Graphic31 | |
GraphicBlock | an Interactor that contains a Picture. |
GraphicComp | base classes for graphical component subjects. |
GraphicCompTool | graphic component tool |
GraphicComps | |
GraphicIdFunc | command to send message between remote selections |
GraphicIdList | |
GraphicIds | object to encapsulate a set of graphic ids |
GraphicLeakFunc | command to return current number of Graphic's |
GraphicMaster | |
GraphicToDrawingFunc | command to convert from graphic to drawing coordinates |
GraphicView | base classes for graphical component views. |
GraphicViews | |
GravityCmd | enable/disable gravity command |
GravityVar | gravity-enabled state variable |
GravityVarView | gravity-enabled state variable view |
GrayRampCmd | command for embedding gray-level ramp in a gray-level raster. |
GrayRampFunc | ComFunc to embed a gray-level ramp in a gray-level raster. |
GrayRaster | gray-level image with arbitary numeric values. |
GreaterThanFunc | > (greater than) operator. |
GreaterThanOrEqualFunc | >= (greater than or equal) operator. |
Grid | drawing editor grid |
GridCmd | enable/disable grid command |
GridDialog | |
GridSpacingCmd | grid-spacing command |
Group | |
GroupCmd | group command |
GrowGroupFunc | command to add graphic to existing group graphic |
GrowingBSpline | |
GrowingClosedBSpline | |
GrowingMultiLine | |
GrowingPolygon | |
GrowingVertices | |
HBorder | |
HBox | |
HGlue | |
HPanelControl | horizontal-panel control |
HRule | |
HScrollBar | |
HScroller | |
HSlotComp | |
HSlotView | |
Handler | |
HandlesFunc | command to turn on or off the selection tic marks in comdraw. |
HelpFunc | help command for ComTerp. |
HideViewCmd | command to hide a graphic view in this viewer. |
HighlightFunc | command to highlight a graphic given another graphic's state |
Hit | |
Host | |
IGridSpacingCmd | |
IOHandler | read input, write output, or handle an I/O exception or timeout |
IconWindow | |
IdrawCatalog | |
IdrawComp | |
IdrawCreator | |
IdrawEditor | |
IdrawReader | |
IdrawView | |
IfThenElseFunc | if-then-else command for ComTerp. |
Image | |
ImageCmd | utility command for storing image processing command string. |
ImportChooser | |
ImportChooserImpl | |
ImportCmd | command for importing graphical objects |
ImportFunc | command to import a graphic file |
IncrAfterFunc | (increment after)++ operator. |
IncrFunc | ++(increment before) operator. |
IndexedGsMixin | mixin for graphic-state indexing mechanism used by OverlayIdrawComp, etc.. |
IndexedPicMixin | mixin for composite-graphic (pic) indexing mechanism used by OverlayIdrawComp, etc.. |
IndexedPtsMixin | mixin for point-list indexing mechanism used by OverlayIdrawComp, etc.. |
InorderView | |
InputFile | |
InputHandler | |
IntFunc | integer conversion command for ComTerp. |
Interactor | base class for interactive objects (iv-2.6) |
InteractorHandler | |
InteractorWindow | |
InvertXformFunc | ComTerp command to invert an affine transform. |
IsSpaceFunc | |
IterateFunc | .. (iterate) operator. |
Iterator | marks a position in a data structure. |
IueConnCompFunc | |
IueExportFunc | |
IueFunc | |
IueGaussianFunc | |
IueGetPixelFunc | |
IueHandler | |
IueImageComp | |
IueImageFunc | |
IueNcolsFunc | |
IueNrowsFunc | |
IuePixTypeFunc | |
IueServComp | |
IueThresholdFunc | |
JoinStrFunc | command to join list of characters into a string object |
KeyMap | maintains a keycode-to-UControl mapping |
LRComposition | |
LRMarker | |
Label | |
Layout | |
LayoutKit | factory object for layout glyphs. |
LeafWalker | walk the leafs of an OverlaysComp tree |
LeftMover | |
LeftShiftFunc | << (left-shift) operator. |
LessThanFunc | < (less than) operator. |
LessThanOrEqualFunc | <= (less than or equal) operator. |
LexScan | Lexical scanner for C tokens, with C-style comment skipping. |
Line | line graphic |
Line31 | |
LineComp | line component |
LineObj | line geometric object |
LineOvComp | clone of LineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
LineOvView | graphical view of LineOvComp. |
LinePS | "PostScript" view of LineOvComp. |
LineScript | serialized view of LineOvComp. |
LineView | |
LinkComp | link component |
LinkSelection | distributed Selection class |
LinkView | |
ListAtFunc | list member command for ComTerp. |
ListFunc | create list command for ComTerp. |
ListItr | |
ListSizeFunc | list size command for ComTerp. |
ListUpdater | |
Log10Func | logarithmic (base 10) command for ComTerp. |
LogFunc | logarithmic (natural) command for ComTerp. |
LogScaleCmd | command for logarithmic-scaling of gray-level raster. |
LogScaleFunc | ComFunc to log-scale a gray-level raster. |
LongFunc | long integer conversion command for ComTerp. |
MFDialogKit | |
MFKit | |
Macro | |
MacroCmd | command containing a sequence of other commands to execute |
MagnifVar | magnify factor state variable |
MagnifVarView | magnify-factor state variable view |
MagnifyTool | zoom in to specified region |
ManagedWindow | |
ManagedWindowHintInfo | |
ManagedWindowRep | |
ManipGroup | group manipulator |
Manipulator | base class for defining direct-manipulation semantics. |
MarginFrame | |
MarginLayout | |
MatchEditor | StringEditor with pattern matching. |
Math | |
MaxFunc | maximum command for ComTerp. |
MbrFunc | command to return minimum-bounding rectangle of graphics in comdraw. |
MeanFunc | mean-of-values command for ComTerp. |
Memory | |
Menu | menu derived from Control (iv-2.6) |
MenuBar | |
MenuEnumEditor | |
MenuItem | |
MenuItem__2 | |
Menu__2 | |
Message | display a string of text (iv-2.6). |
MeterObserver | |
MinFunc | minimum command for ComTerp. |
MinusFunc | - (unary prefix minus) operator. |
MlineLeakFunc | command to return current number of MultiLineObj's |
MobilityCmd | mobility command |
MobilityData | mobility state data for command undo |
ModAssignFunc | %= (mod assign) operator . |
ModFunc | modulo command for ComTerp. |
ModifStatusVar | modified-status state variable |
ModifStatusVarView | modified-status state variable view |
MonoGlyph | |
MonoKit | |
MonoScene | |
MoveCmd | move command |
MoveData | move data for command undo |
MoveDialog | |
MoveFrameCmd | command to change current frame. |
MoveFrameFunc | interpreter command to move current frame. |
MoveFunc | command to move current selection in comdraw |
MoveTool | tool for moving graphics |
Mover | |
MpyAssignFunc | *= (multiply assign) operator . |
MpyFunc | * (multiply) operator. |
MultiLine | multi-line graphic |
MultiLineComp | |
MultiLineObj | multi-line geometric object |
MultiLineOvComp | clone of MultiLineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
MultiLineOvView | graphical view of MultiLineOvComp. |
MultiLinePS | "PostScript" view of MultiLineOvComp. |
MultiLineScript | serialized view of LineOvComp. |
MultiLineView | |
MuteFunc | mute command for ComTerp |
NBrushesFunc | command to return number of brushes in comdraw menu. |
NColorsFunc | command to return number of colors in comdraw menus. |
NColsFunc | command to return number of onscreen columns in comdraw. |
NFontsFunc | command to return number of fonts in comdraw menu. |
NOPCmd | null command |
NPatternsFunc | command to return number of patterns in comdraw menu. |
NRowsFunc | command to return number of onscreen rows in comdraw. |
NameState | |
NameVar | name state variable |
NameVarView | name state variable view |
NameView | |
NaturalLayout | |
NegFunc | ! (negate) operator. |
NewCompCmd | new component command |
NewViewCmd | |
NextAttrListFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SlctByAttrCmd. |
NextFunc | next command from stream for ComTerp |
NextInSelectionFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SetAttrByExprCmd. |
NilFunc | nil command for ComTerp. |
NodeComp | node component |
NodeData | command data for storing node information. |
NodeDialog | dialog box to prompt for text label for node. |
NodeScript | serialized view of NodeComp. |
NodeTextCmd | command to set text of a node component. |
NodeView | graphical view of NodeComp. |
NormSizeCmd | normal-size command |
NotEqualFunc | != (non-equality) operator. |
NullTerminatedString | |
NumFramesFunc | interpreter command to return number of frames in viewer |
NumFunc | base class for all numeric ComTerp commands. |
OLDialogKit | |
OLKit | |
ObjectMap | |
ObsTextDialog | |
ObsTextEditor | |
Observable | observable mixin. |
ObservableBoolean | |
ObservableEnum | |
ObservableText | |
ObservableTime | |
Observer | observer mixin. |
OpaqueDragManip | manipulator for opaque move. |
OpenBSpline | open b-spline graphic |
OpenCmd | |
OpenFileChooser | |
OpenFileChooserAction | |
OpenFileChooserImpl | |
Open_BSpline31 | |
OptableFunc | print contents of operator table |
OptionDesc | |
OrFunc | || (or) operator. |
OrientationCmd | landscape/portrait orientation command |
OvAboutCmd | command to display 'about' message for drawing editors. |
OvCloseEditorCmd | |
OvDeleteCmd | derived delete command that can be made irreversable. |
OvDownMover | clone of DownMover. |
OvExportCmd | command to export selection in idraw "PostScript" or drawtool serialized format. |
OvFileImage | file-based image object for large-image handling. |
OvGroupCmd | derived group command. |
OvImageMapCmd | command to create clickable imagemap from viewer canvas. |
OvImportCmd | command for importing arbitrary graphical files. |
OvLeftMover | clone of LeftMover. |
OvMemoryImage | in-memory image object for large-image handling. |
OvMover | clone of Mover. |
OvNewCompCmd | derived new command. |
OvNewViewCmd | derived new-view command. |
OvOpenCmd | derived open command with grid support. |
OvPortableFileImage | specialization of OvFileImage for untiled pbmplus image formats. |
OvPreciseBrushCmd | precise brush-width (line-width) command. |
OvPreciseMoveCmd | glyphified PreciseMoveCmd. |
OvPrecisePageCmd | glyphified PrecisePageCmd. |
OvPreciseRotateCmd | glyphified PreciseRotateCmd. |
OvPreciseScaleCmd | glyphified PreciseScaleCmd. |
OvPrintCmd | evolved clone of PrintCmd. |
OvQuitCmd | derived quit command. |
OvRestrictedImage | base class image object for large-image handling. |
OvRevertCmd | derived revert command. |
OvRightMover | clone of RightMover. |
OvSaveCompAsCmd | derived save-as command. |
OvSaveCompCmd | derived save command. |
OvSlctAllCmd | derived select-all command. |
OvTiledFileImage | specialization of OvFileImage for internally tiled pbmplus image formats. |
OvUpMover | clone of UpMover. |
OvViewCompCmd | derived open command. |
OvWindowDumpAsCmd | command to dump current viewer canvas as .xwd file. |
OverlayCatalog | catalog for read/write of "PostScript" and ASCII script documents |
OverlayComp | derived GraphicComp |
OverlayCreator | factory object for use of OverlayCatalog |
OverlayDamage | double-buffered damage repair mechanism. |
OverlayEditor | editor derived from IdrawEditor. |
OverlayFileComp | component used to import a sub-tree by pathname. |
OverlayFileScript | serialized view of OverlayFileComp. |
OverlayFileView | graphical view of OverlayFileComp. |
OverlayGraphic | for the purpose of sliding in a derived Painter |
OverlayIdrawComp | top-level OverlaysComp, the root of a component tree or document. |
OverlayIdrawPS | "PostScript" view of OverlayIdrawComp. |
OverlayIdrawScript | serialized view of top-level OverlayIdrawComp. |
OverlayIdrawView | graphical view of OverlayIdrawComp. |
OverlayKit | helper class for constructing an OverlayEditor. |
OverlayPS | base class of "PostScript" views for OverlayComp objects. |
OverlayPage | drawing page object. |
OverlayPainter | specialized Painter for use with OverlayUnidraw. |
OverlayPanner | flexible panner/zoomer/slider window. |
OverlayRaster | specialized Raster object for use with RasterOvComp. |
OverlayRasterRect | derived RasterRect Graphic for use with OverlayRaster and GrayRaster. |
OverlayScript | serialized view of OverlayComp. |
OverlaySelectTool | derived SelectTool. |
OverlaySelection | derived Selection object |
OverlaySlider | slider window within an OverlayPanner. |
OverlayUnidraw | derived Unidraw object with extra mechanisms. |
OverlayView | base class for graphic view of an OverlayComp. |
OverlayViewRef | OverlayView used as Resource |
OverlayViewer | specialized Viewer. |
OverlaysComp | composite component, clone of GraphicComps derived from OverlayComp |
OverlaysPS | "PostScript" view of an OverlaysComp. |
OverlaysScript | composite version of OverlayScript. |
OverlaysView | graphical view of OverlaysComp. |
PGM_Helper | helper class for reading PGM images. |
PPM_Helper | helper class for reading PPM images. |
PSArrowLine | |
PSArrowMultiLine | |
PSArrowSpline | |
PSBrush | "PostScript" brush object |
PSClosedSpline | |
PSColor | "PostScript" color object |
PSEllipse | |
PSFont | "PostScript" font object |
PSFont31 | |
PSIdraw | |
PSLine | |
PSLink | |
PSMultiLine | |
PSPad | |
PSPattern | "PostScript" pattern object |
PSPin | |
PSPolygon | |
PSRaster | |
PSRect | |
PSSlot | |
PSSpline | |
PSStencil | |
PSText | |
PSVertices | |
PadComp | pad component |
PadGraphic | |
PadView | |
Page | glyph for arbitrary placements |
PageCmd | command to toggle page graphic visibility. |
PageDialog | dialog box for precision page sizing. |
PageGraphic | |
Painter | graphics rendering interface (iv-2.6) |
PainterDpyInfo | |
PainterRep | |
PaletteBooleanEditor | |
PanCmd | command for panning viewer. |
PanDialog | dialog box for precision panning. |
PanDownLargeFunc | command to pan viewer downward a large fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanDownSmallFunc | command to pan viewer downward a small fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanFunc | command to pan viewer in comdraw. |
PanLeftLargeFunc | command to pan viewer to the left a large fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanLeftSmallFunc | command to pan viewer to the left a small fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanRightLargeFunc | command to pan viewer to the right a large fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanRightSmallFunc | command to pan viewer to the right a small fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanUpLargeFunc | command to pan viewer upward a large fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanUpSmallFunc | command to pan viewer upward a small fixed amount in comdraw. |
PanelControl | panel control |
PanelInteractor | panel "interactor" control |
Panner | an Interactor for two-dimensional scrolling and zooming (iv-2.6) |
ParamList | list of ParamStruct objects for de-serialization of a previously serialized object. |
ParamStruct | parameter definition structure for ParamList. |
Parser | C++ wrapper for ComUtil parser capability. |
PasteCmd | paste command |
PasteFunc | command to paste a graphic in comdraw. |
PasteModeFunc | command for toggling or setting paste mode |
Patch | glyph able to redraw itself. |
Path | transmission path for state variable propagation |
PathRenderInfo | |
Pattern | a pattern object |
PatternCmd | command to change pattern of current selection and editor. |
PatternFunc | command for setting pattern state variable in comdraw. |
PatternRep | |
PatternVar | current pattern state variable |
PatternVarView | current-pattern state variable view |
Perspective | indicates portion of total view shown (iv-2.6). |
PiFunc | Pi command for ComTerp. |
Picture | composite Graphic |
PicturePS | general purpose "PostScript" view for any OverlayComp with a composite graphic. |
PinComp | pin component |
PinGraphic | |
PinView | |
PixelClipFunc | command to clip raster with polygon |
PixelColsFunc | command to return number of columns in a raster |
PixelFlushFunc | command to flush pixels poked in a raster |
PixelPeekFunc | command to peek pixel values from raster |
PixelPokeFunc | command to poke pixel values into raster |
PixelPokeLineFunc | command to poke a line of pixel values into raster |
PixelRowsFunc | command to return number of rows in a raster |
Placement | |
Point | point graphic |
PointObj | point geometric object |
PointsFunc | command to return point list associated with a graphic |
PolyGlyph | |
PolyGraphic | |
Polygon | polygon graphic |
Polygon31 | |
PolygonComp | polygon component |
PolygonOvComp | clone of PolygonComp derived from OverlayComp. |
PolygonOvView | graphical view of PolygonOvComp. |
PolygonPS | "PostScript" view of PolygonOvComp. |
PolygonScript | serialized view of PolygonOvComp. |
PolygonView | |
Polyline31 | |
PopupMenu | |
PopupWindow | |
PortableImageHelper | helper class for reading PGM or PPM images. |
PostEvalFunc | post-evaluate command for ComTerp. |
PostFixFunc | echo postfix output of parser. |
PostScriptView | PostScript serialization |
PostScriptViews | |
PostorderView | |
PowFunc | power command for ComTerp. |
PreciseMoveCmd | |
PrecisePageCmd | command to set page size. |
PrecisePanCmd | command for precision panning of the viewer. |
PreciseRotateCmd | |
PreciseScaleCmd | |
PreciseZoomCmd | command for zooming other than by powers of 2. |
PreorderView | |
PrintChooser | |
PrintChooserImpl | |
PrintCmd | print command |
PrintDialog | |
PrintFunc | value printing command for ComTerp. |
Printer | |
ProcessingCmd | base class for image processing commands. |
PropertyData | |
PseudocolorCmd | command for pseudo-coloring of gray-level raster. |
PseudocolorFunc | ComFunc to pseudo-color a gray-level raster. |
PtrList | |
PtrLocState | state variable to display pointer location in drawing coordinates. |
PullCmd | command to pull up one level in the graphical structure |
PulldownMenu | |
PullrightMenu | |
PushButton | |
PushCmd | command to push down one level in the graphical structure |
QuitCmd | quit command |
QuitFunc | quit command for ComTerp. |
RadToDegFunc | radians to degrees command for ComTerp. |
RadioButton | |
RadioEnumEditor | |
RandFunc | random-number command for ComTerp. |
Raster | raster data object. |
RasterComp | raster component |
RasterFunc | ComFunc base class to hold a raster component. |
RasterOvComp | |
RasterOvView | graphical view of RasterOvComp. |
RasterPS | "PostScript" view of RasterOvComp. |
RasterRect | raster graphic |
RasterRep | |
RasterScript | serialized view of RasterOvComp. |
RasterTerp | ComTerp specialized for image processing operations. |
RasterView | |
ReadOnlyFunc | command to make a graphic read-only in comdraw. |
Rect | rectangle graphic |
RectComp | rectangle component |
RectOvComp | clone of RectComp derived from OverlayComp. |
RectOvView | graphical view of RectOvComp. |
RectPS | "PostScript" view of RectOvComp. |
RectScript | serialized view of RectOvComp. |
RectView | |
Rectangle31 | |
RedToFitCmd | reduce-to-fit command |
RedoCmd | redo command |
Reducer | |
Regexp | regular expression searching |
RemoteFunc | remote execution command for ComTerp. |
RepeatFunc | ** (repeat) operator. |
ReplaceCmd | replace command |
ReplaceRasterCmd | command to replace raster in a component. |
ReqErr | Handling errors from window server. |
Requirement | |
Requisition | |
ReshapeTool | reshape tool |
Resource | shared reference-counted objects. |
RevertCmd | revert command |
RightMover | |
RightShiftFunc | >> (right-shift) operator. |
RotateCmd | rotate command |
RotateDialog | |
RotateFunc | command to rotate current selection in comdraw |
RotateTool | rotate tool |
RotatingLine | |
RotatingLineList | |
RotatingRect | |
RoundFunc | ceiling command for ComTerp. |
RpcHdr | header for remote procedure calls |
RpcPeer | support bi-directional RPC between two services |
RpcReader | read RPC requests from a client |
RpcRegistry | name space for finding RPC services |
RpcService | support RPC between a service and its clients |
RpcWriter | write RPC requests to a server |
RubberAxis | |
RubberCircle | |
RubberClosedSpline | |
RubberEllipse | |
RubberGroup | |
RubberHandles | |
RubberLine | |
RubberPointList | |
RubberRect | |
RubberSpline | |
RubberSquare | |
RubberVertex | |
Rubberband | rubberbanding graphical objects (iv-2.6) |
Rule | |
RunFunc | run command for ComTerp. |
SFH_ClosedBSpline | stroked-filled closed b-spline graphic with control-point hit detection |
SFH_OpenBSpline | stroked-filled open b-spline graphic with control-point hit detection. |
SF_Circle | stroked-filled circle graphic |
SF_ClosedBSpline | stroked-filled closed b-spline graphic |
SF_Ellipse | stroke-filled ellipse graphic |
SF_MultiLine | stroked-filled multi-line graphic |
SF_OpenBSpline | stroked-filled open b-spline graphic |
SF_Polygon | stroked-filled polygon graphic |
SF_Rect | stroked-filled rectangle graphic |
SMFKit | |
SRandFunc | command to seed ComTerp random number generator. |
S_Circle | stroked circle graphic |
S_ClosedBSpline | stroked closed b-spline graphic |
S_Ellipse | stroked ellipse graphic |
S_MultiLine | stroked multi-line graphic |
S_OpenBSpline | stroked open b-spline graphic |
S_Polygon | stroked polygon graphic |
S_Rect | stroked rectangle graphic |
SaveAsChooser | |
SaveAsChooserImpl | |
SaveCompAsCmd | save-as component command |
SaveCompCmd | save component command |
SaveFileFunc | command to save document (to pathname) |
ScaleCmd | scale command |
ScaleDialog | |
ScaleFunc | command to scale current selection in comdraw |
ScaleGrayCmd | command for linear-scaling of gray-level raster. |
ScaleGrayFunc | ComFunc to linearly scale a gray-level raster. |
ScaleTool | scale tool |
ScalingLine | |
ScalingLineList | |
ScalingRect | |
Scanner | C++ wrapper for ComUtil scanner capability. |
Scene | basic composite object for interaction. |
ScreenToDrawingFunc | command to convert from screen to drawing coordinates |
ScribblePointerCmd | command to enable/disable continuous mode drawing with pointer (mouse). |
ScribbleVertexManip | continuous vertex manipulator |
ScrollBar | |
ScrollBox | |
Scrollable | |
Scroller | general scrolling interface (iv-2.6) |
SelectFunc | command to select graphics in comdraw. |
SelectTool | select tool |
Selection | manages a set of selected components. |
SelectionHandler | |
SelectionManager | |
SelectionManagerRep | |
SensitizeViewsCmd | command to sensitize a graphic view in all other viewers. |
Sensor | describe input events of interest (iv-2.6) |
SeqFunc | ; (sequence) operator. |
Session | |
SessionIdFunc | command to reserve unique session id |
SetAttrByExprCmd | command to set attributes on a component by evaluating an expression. |
SetAttrFunc | command to set attributes on a graphic |
Shadow | |
ShadowFrame | |
Shape | for defining "infinite" stretchability or shrinkability (iv-2.6) |
ShellFunc | shell escape command for ComTerp. |
ShortFunc | short integer conversion command for ComTerp. |
ShowFrame | |
ShowFramesFunc | interpreter command to show a set of frames at once |
ShowOtherFrameCmd | command to enable/disable display of previous frame |
SimpleCompositor | |
SinFunc | sine command for ComTerp. |
SlctAllCmd | select-all command |
SlctByAttrCmd | command to select components by evaluating an expression. |
Slider | |
Slider__2 | |
SlidingEllipse | |
SlidingLine | |
SlidingLineList | |
SlidingPin | |
SlidingPointList | |
SlidingRect | |
SlotComp | slot component |
SlotGraphic | |
SlotView | |
SocketFunc | create socket object |
SocketObj | |
SplineComp | spline component |
SplineOvComp | clone of SplineComp derived from OverlayComp. |
SplineOvView | graphic view of SplineOvComp. |
SplinePS | "PostScript" view of SplineOvComp. |
SplineScript | serialized view of SplineOvComp. |
SplineView | |
SplitStrFunc | command to split a symbol or string into a list of character objects |
SqrtFunc | square-root command for ComTerp. |
StateVar | state variable |
StateVarView | state variable view |
StdDevFunc | standard-deviation-of-values command for ComTerp. |
StdInput | |
Stencil | |
StencilComp | stencil component |
StencilOvComp | clone of StencilComp derived from OverlayComp. |
StencilOvView | graphical view of StencilOvComp. |
StencilPS | "PostScript" view of StencilOvComp. |
StencilScript | serialized view of StencilOvComp. |
StencilView | |
Stepper | |
StrChooser | |
StrChooserAction | |
StrEditDialog | |
StrListValue | |
StreamFunc | stream command |
StreamNextFunc | hidden func used by next command for stream command |
StretchTool | stretch tool |
StretchingRect | |
String | |
StringBrowser | for choosing from list of strings (iv-2.6) |
StringChooser | dialog box for choosing from list of strings (iv-2.6) |
StringEditor | interactive editor for character strings (iv-2.6) |
StrmFunc | base class for ComTerp stream commands. |
Style | user interface attribute object. |
SubAssignFunc | += (subtract assign) operator . |
SubFunc | - (subtraction) operator. |
Subject | object with one or more views to notify when it changes (iv-2.6) |
SumFunc | sum-of-values command for ComTerp. |
Superpose | |
SymAddFunc | create symbol command for ComTerp. |
SymIdFunc | symbol id command for ComTerp. |
SymStrFunc | return string version of symbol |
SymValFunc | lookup symbol value command for ComTerp. |
SymbolFunc | symbol command for ComTerp. |
TBComposition | |
TBScrollBox | |
TE_Adjustable | |
TE_Editor | |
TE_View | |
TE_ViewKeyInfo | |
TE_ViewKeySymInfo | |
TF_2Port | to-port transfer function |
TF_Direct | direct transfer function |
TGlue | |
TIFFRaster | |
TanFunc | tangent command for ComTerp. |
Target | |
TeXCompositor | |
Telltale | |
TelltaleGroup | |
TelltaleState | |
TerpDialog | |
TerpDialogImpl | |
Text31 | |
TextBuffer | editable text buffer (iv-2.6) |
TextButton | |
TextComp | |
TextDisplay | basic text display (iv-2.6) |
TextEditAppWindow | |
TextEditor | basic interactive editor for mulit-line text (iv-2.6) |
TextFileComp | TextOvComp constructed by reading text from a file. |
TextFileScript | serialized view of a TextOvComp. |
TextFileView | graphical view of a TextOvComp. |
TextGraphic | |
TextManip | text manipulator |
TextObserver | |
TextOvComp | clone of TextComp derived from OverlayComp. |
TextOvView | graphical view of TextOvComp. |
TextPS | "PostScript" view of TextOvComp. |
TextRenderInfo | |
TextScript | serialized view of TextOvComp. |
TextView | |
Tile | |
TileFileCmd | command to internally tile a PGM or PPM image. |
TileFileFunc | command to generate an internally tiled PGM/PPM file for drawtool or comdraw. |
TileFirstAligned | |
TileReversed | |
TileReversedFirstAligned | |
Time | |
TimeExprFunc | timer expression command for ComTerp. |
TimeGlyph | |
TitleFrame | |
Tool | base class for tool objects. |
Tool31 | |
ToolButton | |
ToolControl | derived PanelControl. |
ToolSelector | helper object for selecting tool button when pressed. |
ToolState | |
TopLevelWindow | |
TopoEdge | |
TopoEdgeList | |
TopoElement | |
TopoFace | |
TopoNode | |
TransferFunct | transfer function |
TransformCmd | transform command |
TransformFitter | |
TransformSetter | |
Transformer | a 3x2 matrix for use in translating 2d coordinates. |
TransformerFunc | command to access a graphic's transformer |
TransientWindow | |
Tray | composes interactors into (possibly) overlapping layouts (iv-2.6) |
TrimGroupFunc | command to remove graphic from existing group graphic |
TrueAttrListFunc | interpreter command for plugging together AttrDialog and SlctByAttrCmd. |
TupleFunc | , (tuple) operator. |
TypeSymbolFunc | command to return type symbols for values |
UArray | |
UChooser | |
UControl | |
UControlInteractor | |
UHashElem | |
UHashTable | |
ULabel | |
UList | |
UMap | |
UMapElem | |
UPage | |
USleepFunc | usleep sleep microseconds |
UStencil | |
UnchainViewerCmd | command to remove this viewer from list of chained viewers. |
UnchainViewersCmd | command to unchain other viewers from this one under panning and/or zooming. |
UndoCmd | undo command |
UnfixViewCmd | command for unfixing size or location of a graphic view. |
UngroupCmd | ungroup command |
UngroupData | ungroup data for command undo |
UnhideViewsCmd | command to unhide a graphic view in all other viewers. |
UnhighlightRasterCmd | command to unhighlight a raster. |
Unidraw | singleton for coordinating and controlling a Unidraw application. |
UnidrawComterpHandler | specialized ComterpHandler for integration into Unidraw event loop. |
UnidrawFunc | base class for interpreter commands in comdraw. |
UnidrawImportHandler | handler for import by socket into OverlayUnidraw. |
UnidrawPauseFunc | command to pause script execution until C/R |
UniqueString | |
UpMover | |
UpdateFunc | command to update Unidraw from comdraw. |
VBorder | |
VBox | |
VGlue | |
VPanelControl | vertical-panel control |
VRule | |
VScrollBar | |
VScroller | |
VSlotComp | |
VSlotView | |
Valuator | |
VarFunc | variance-of-values command for ComTerp. |
VariableLayout | |
VertexManip | vertex manipulator |
Vertices | |
VerticesComp | |
VerticesOvComp | clone of VerticesComp derived from OverlayComp. |
VerticesOvView | graphical view of VerticesOvComp. |
VerticesPS | "PostScript" view of VerticesOvComp. |
VerticesScript | serialized view of VerticesOvComp. |
VerticesView | |
ViewCompCmd | view component command |
ViewLeakFunc | command to return current number of OverlayView's |
Viewer | displays a graphical component view hierarchy. |
ViewerView | |
Viewport | Interactor that shows a portion of another Interactor (iv-2.6) |
VoidData | void data for command undo |
WhileFunc | while-loop command for ComTerp. |
WidgetKit | factory object for widgets. |
Window | object that can be mapped onto a screen. |
WindowOverlayInfo | |
WindowRep | |
WindowVisual | |
WindowVisualInfo | |
World | object representing a display (iv-2.6) |
XDrag | |
XSlider | |
XYMarker | |
XYSlider | |
XformFunc | ComTerp command to apply an affine-transform to a 2d coordinate. |
XposeFunc | ComTerp command to transpose a matrix |
YSlider | |
ZoomCmd | command for viewer zoom/de-zoom. |
ZoomDialog | dialog box for precision zooming. |
ZoomFunc | command to zoom viewer in comdraw. |
ZoomInFunc | command to zoom-in by 2 in comdraw. |
ZoomOutFunc | command to zoom-out by 2 in comdraw. |
Zoomer | |
_ArrowData | |
_XDisplay | |
_dmmwalk | |
_oper_stack | |
_paren_stack | |
_xdllink | |
arrayval_struct | pointer to list of values, plus optional type id. |
com_struct | |
iosb | Modify ios to store extra state information for binary I/O. |
iostreamb | unformatted input/output stream |
istreamb | unformatted input stream |
keyval_struct | keyword symbol id, plus number of arguments that follow. |
objval_struct | void* pointer plus object classid (see macro in OverlayUnidraw/ovcomps.h) |
ostreamb | unformatted output stream |
regexp | |
rpcbuf | streambuf specialized for sending and receiving RPC requests |
rpcstream | iostreamb specialized to RPC requests |
streamval_struct | void* pointer to ComFunc object plus optional type id |
symval_struct | struct for symbol value, symid + global flag for symbol value |
tiff | |
token | |
Other Documented Items | Other non-class items documented by PERCEPS |