vhclmaps losserv

losserv is a line-of-sight/viewshed server. It is part of vhclmaps, a C++ framework for map viewers and servers.

losserv uses digital elevation data to compute areas of visibility and nonvisibility with respect to an observer's position. This service is integrated with utmviewer: the LOS tool is used to draw a line defining a radius around an observer and issue a viewshed command to losserv; the result sent back to the viewer. The areas are color-coded so that red means visible, orange means probably visible and green means invisible.

Here are screendumps of viewsheds created by losserv, displayed in utmviewer:
gif or jpg

This program was developed using DMAMUSE, a product of the United State's National Imagery and Mapping Agency. Use of the DMAMUSE software does not indicate endorsement or approval of the product by the Secretary of Defense or the National Imagery and Mapping Agency.