Linux binaries and sample map data available for vhclmaps-0.7 (March 25th 1999) |
vhclmaps-0.7.5 at Vectaport or SourceForge (June 14th 2000), |
vhclmaps-0.7.4 at Vectaport or SourceForge (January 31st 2000), |
vhclmaps-0.7.3.tgz (June 14th 1999),
diffs between 0.7.2 and 0.7.3 |
vhclmaps-0.7.2.tgz (May 3rd 1999),
diffs between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2 Still need this fix to make the configure work smoothly. |
vhclmaps-0.7.1.tgz (Apr. 16th 1999), diffs between 0.7 and 0.7.1 |
builds on ivtools-0.7.5 |
vhclmaps (formerly ivmaps and vhclserv) is a package of map viewers and spatial data servers that work with map databases like these from the USGS:
vhclmaps map viewers | vpfviewer | dlgviewer | demviewer | utmviewer |
and these libraries for cartographic projection,
polygon intersection algorithms, and
3D graphics:
vhclmaps is supported by Vectaport Inc., IET Inc., and SourceForge at VA Linux
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