vhclmaps vpfviewer


vhclmaps vpfviewer is an interactive map viewer for Vector Product Format (VPF) map databases. It supports the Digital Chart of the World Edition 1 database (or the VMAP Level 0 world-wide database). It supports map layer display of both the summary world map (browse or rference) and the four detailed tiled libraries on each CD-ROM (North America, Europe/Northern Asia, South America/Africa/Antartica and Southern Asia/Australia.) It is capable of displaying these databases with multiple projections, allowing inspection of map feature attributes, and export of map features to ivtools drawing editors.


This is a picture of vpfviewer displaying the browse library with political/oceans and drainage areas and lines shown in the Larrivee projection:

This is another picture of vpfviewer displaying a tile from the noamer (North America) library, with political/oceans areas/lines/text, road lines, railroad lines and populated places points/text shown in the Miller projection.

Downloading and running

Download a vhclmaps vpfviewer binary here and then acquire and unpack some of the following map data, then run "vpfviewer -mapdb dcw"

  • DCW Browse Library

  • 1:1,000,000 DCW tiles -- dcwsfnj.tar.gz (3.6Mb), a partial North America (noamer) library with tiles covering New Jersey and the San Francisco Bay Area including the Political/Oceans, Populated Places and Roads coverages.

    More information

  • vhclmaps vpfviewer README

  • Using demviewer with vhclmaps vpfviewer.

    vhclmaps map viewers vpfviewer dlgviewer demviewer utmviewer

    vhclmaps home page