: public OverlayView
(Return to index)
graphical view of OverlaysComp.
Base Classes:
Derived Classes
Include file:
- virtual void
AdjustForPan (float dx, float dy)
called once per OverlayView before each pan, to let
fixed location graphics adjust accordingly.
- virtual void
AdjustForZoom (float factor, Coord cx, Coord cy)
called once per OverlayView before each zoom, to let
fixed size graphics adjust accordingly.
- virtual Manipulator*
CreateManipulator (Viewer*,Event&,Transformer*,Tool*)
create manipulator for laying down composite graphic
- virtual boolean
Done (Iterator)
return true if iterator off the end or beginning of list of sub-views.
- virtual void
First (Iterator&)
set iterator to first sub-view.
- virtual ClassId
GetClassId ()
- virtual Graphic*
GetGraphic ()
- OverlaysComp*
GetOverlaysComp ()
return pointer to associated graphic.
- virtual GraphicView*
GetView (Iterator)
return sub-view pointed at by iterator.
- int
Index (Iterator)
return index of where the iterator is pointing in the list of sub-views.
- virtual void
Interpret (Command*)
interpret align-to-grid command, pass rest to base class.
- virtual Command*
InterpretManipulator (Manipulator*)
interpret manipulator by copying prototype
- virtual boolean
IsA (ClassId)
- virtual void
Last (Iterator&)
set iterator to last sub-view.
- virtual void
Next (Iterator&)
set iterator to next sub-view.
OverlaysView (OverlaysComp* = nil)
- virtual void
Prev (Iterator&)
set iterator to previous sub-view.
- virtual Selection*
SelectAll ()
return selection with all sub-views.
- virtual void
SetView (GraphicView*, Iterator&)
set sub-view pointed at by iterator.
- virtual void
Update ()
- virtual Selection*
ViewContaining (Coord, Coord)
return selection of foremost subview that contains a point.
- virtual Selection*
ViewIntersecting (Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
return selection of foremost subview that intersect a rectangle.
- virtual Selection*
ViewsContaining (Coord, Coord)
return selection of all subviews that contains a point.
- virtual Selection*
ViewsIntersecting (Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
return selection of all subviews that intersect a rectangle.
- virtual Selection*
ViewsWithin (Coord, Coord, Coord, Coord)
return selection of all subviews that fit within a rectangle.
- virtual
~OverlaysView ()
(more documentation)