vhclmaps technical info

vhclmaps is a C++ framework for displaying and querying map data, with an emphasis on USGS map formats. NIMA formats supported here. It reuses and extends frameworks from ivtools. vhclmaps also contains sample programs and frameworks for navigating maps with vehicle simulation.

For cartographic projection, vhclmaps uses the PROJ-4.3 package from the USGS.

For 3d terrain display, vhclmaps uses vtk, a C++ framework for visualizing 3D data. The book The Visualization Toolkit: An Object-Oriented Approach to 3D Graphics by Schroeder, Martin, Lorensen describes the conceptual framework of the toolkit. vtk contains fairly general data representation capabilities, many nontrivial data manipulation operations and support for popular 3D rendering libraries including SGI OpenGL, Mesa (OpenGL clone), Sun XGL and HP Starbase.

Here is more on demviewer and vtk.